Kundalini Reiki™️ is the most effective way to heal yourself and others. When you activate your healing powers with your MASTER certification, you become unstoppable.

Reiki Fulfilled Includes:

Reiki 1 Curriculum - Heal Self

(Day 1-30)


In the first module, I welcome you to the course by sharing my heart, soul, and story with you. Once we set our shared intention together to self-heal, I walk you through an activity that shows you what reiki is and the frequency it holds. We then dive into your first homework (which is fun)! It allows you to integrate the material in this course by setting up an environment you can grow. Have you ever wondered why you started something and then suddenly stopped? Your homework will help you avoid that pattern entirely by creating a sacred space you can transform in!


Have you ever lived on autopilot, disconnected and fatigued? By the end of this module, you will identify what your body is really communicating through these symptoms. You will understand the science behind your thoughts, emotions, and patterns; along with the role they play in your health and creation of your reality. I then give you the blueprints for transmuting these lower energies so you can change your vibration instantly to attract love, opportunity, and abundance. You will have the tools to assess your current health (vibration) at this moment. After going through these lessons, you will be able to clearly answer the question “Am I nourished right now? What unconscious patterns am I running? What are my triggers? What reality am I creating?” We end with a discussion on what your soul is here to do, answering the question “What is the reason for life?” + so much more.


Say goodbye to being confused about what your purpose in life is! Module 2 set us up for understanding the process of creation, so you can create in alignment with your soul's mission. In this module, we align with your soul's mission! I guide you through meditation to provide you clarity on the key purposes you are here to serve. I then break down how to receive direction each day, without distraction, through the power of intention (YOUR SUPERPOWER). Your homework is a fun activity to teach you how to set and be clear with your intentions (daily), so you can step into your power to create a life you love, versus feeling trapped in.


Before we can master our energy, we have to unpack where things went "south" in the first place. In this module, I take you deep into how your environment and experiences have disrupted the flow of energy in your body. I explain how cultural fears have suppressed your ability to live connected and aligned. This module exposes & dismantles the things that have quite literally sucked the life out of you. I teach you how to protect your energy as others project their feelings onto you throughout your daily life. You will kick energy suckers to the curb once and for all after learning the truth. We end the module talking all about Kundalini Reiki, what it means, the logo, its history, and how to incorporate your daily intention setting into its first pillar, Gassho. Your homework is to put Gassho to practice, which has become one of my student's favorite activities!


This module prepares you with tools you can choose to use for the self-healing lessons! I begin by guiding you through selecting your 7 healing crystals, which will represent your body while healing. I then teach you everything I know about cleansing crystals and programming your pendulum, which is required before your self-healing treatments. I cover why pendulums get a bad rep, from people using them ignorantly or improperly. We then dive into the proper ways to use a pendulum through receiving guidance from your Higher Self and locating imbalanced energy centers in the body. We end with an activity that proves your conscious mind can give you false results. At the end of this module, you will know exactly how to use a pendulum accurately, truthfully, and confidently.


This module will make you question everything you thought you knew about your body's development. I teach you how each chakra impacts your organs, bodily systems, & physical body (in good ways & bad ways). I give you personal techniques I use to balance out each chakra, along with user-friendly chakra templates that allow you to effortlessly diagnose imbalances in your body so you can heal them. I teach you each chakra's primary purpose, experiences that can cause an imbalance of energy as we grow, along with feeling associated with each center. When those feelings are not processed and transmuted, the physical disease can manifest. By the end of this module, you will know exactly how your body works on a mental, emotional, energetic, and physical level.


In this module, I will attune you to the frequencies of your purest self, along with preparing your body for Reiki 2 and 3 if your soul chooses to continue this development. An attunement is a sacred initiation that has been present on Earth for thousands of years. By receiving an attunement you will step into your role of healing yourself, to then heal others. This shift in consciousness allows for greater self-realization and balance to occur in the physical body. The amount of energy received grows with each attunement. As in most energy-based healing systems, attunements are the most important aspect of the teachings. By receiving this attunement, you tune your mind, body, and energy to the divine healing frequencies, to experience a clear channel to your higher self. Attunements mend your lose strings so you can sing your original tune. Just like tuning a guitar. It is epic!


This module covers everything you need to know about self-healing, and guides you through applying it as you watch the teachings. The best part of this module...actually feeling the energy moving in your hands! Self Healing can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like it to be. I show you my 5-minute method, along with my deep healing methods. It is important to me to give you ALL the tools you need to truly transform, as it took me a long time to figure out how to apply reiki concepts. By the end of this module, you will know how to prepare for a self-healing, and how to ground, connect, protect, and align before a self-healing so you can feel safe. I show you how to set your healing intention, and how to use your hand perception or pendulum to detect abnormalities in your body through Byosen Scanning. Once the abnormalities are found, I teach you how to locate attachments or cords in the body and walk you through my effective cord-cutting protocol. We apply Reiji-Ho, Chiryo, Hand Placements, Aura Cleansing, and Grounding. After this module, you will feel like you can do anything you put your mind to! And leave knowing how to incorporate reiki into your daily routine and habits, with confidence.


In order to receive your Kundalini Reiki 1 Certification via USPS, you will need to pass the exam with a 75% or higher. DON'T PANIC! All of the exam questions are on ungraded pop quizzes throughout the lessons you know exactly what to expect. If you get a question wrong on the quizzes, I provide you with the correct answers. Also, you can take the exam as many times as you need :) To my certified students, I am beyond honored you hand-selected me to guide you through your healing journey. If you made it to this point, you are one in the top percent of those committed to their health and well-being. I am overjoyed to know you because you are going to change the world...just by being you.

Reiki 2 Curriculum - Heal Others

(Day 31-60)


We kick off Reiki 2 by personalizing your morning routine to set the foundation for your success as a healing professional. This routine will encompass physical, mental, and emotional self-care practices, enhancing your well-being and capacity to provide effective care for clients. By fostering mindfulness, resilience, and productivity, you will be better equipped to navigate and maintain a balanced and fulfilling career.


In this module I give you a Reiki Healing checklist, and break down each step for you, before we begin applying it on your practice clients! This structured lesson is rooted in giving you everything you need foundationally before you begin administering reiki to others. These foundational concepts are the "foundations" of the house, as they say.


This module covers everything you need to know about distance healing using intuitive Chiryo healing. The best part of this module...becoming one with reiki energy! By the end of this module, you will know how to prepare for a healing, and how to ground, connect, protect, and align before a healing so you can feel safe. I show you how to set your client's healing intention, and how to use your hand perception or pendulum to detect abnormalities in their body through Byosen Scanning. Once the abnormalities are found, I teach you how to locate attachments or cords in the body and walk you through my effective cord-cutting protocol. We apply Reiji-Ho, Aura Cleansing, and Grounding. After this module, you will leave knowing how to administer distance reiki with confidence.


By the end of this module, you will be proficient in creating Healing Reports for your client's that are not only accurate and compliant but also valuable tools for client care and assessment. These reports will aid in better understanding for your client on their healing journey. It helps them identify areas for improvement, and how to integrate these improvements into treatment plans. Additionally, you will be well-versed in the ethical considerations surrounding client documentation, ensuring the highest level of professionalism and client confidentiality. This skill set is invaluable for professionals in healthcare, therapy, and holistic healing fields, as it contributes to better client outcomes and professional reputation.

Kundalini Reiki Meditation

This is so fun! I teach you Kundalini Reiki Meditation and it's powerful effects. By the end of this module, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of Kundalini Reiki Meditation, including its principles, techniques, and applications. I then provide you a FREE guided meditation that you can use to align your energy before healing your clients.


This module covers everything you need to know about distance healing using intentional hand placements. The best part of this module...actually seeing the impact of your healing hands! By the end of this module, you will know how to prepare for a healing, and how to ground, connect, protect, and align before a healing so you can feel safe. I show you how to set your client's healing intention, and how to use your hand perception or pendulum to detect abnormalities in their body through Byosen Scanning. Once the abnormalities are found, I teach you how to locate attachments or cords in the body and walk you through my effective cord-cutting protocol. We apply Reiji-Ho, Aura Cleansing, and Grounding. After this module, you will leave knowing how to administer distance reiki with confidence.


The primary goals of this module are to help you:

  • Recognize the significance of a well-structured client intake process in client satisfaction, retention, and overall business success.
  • Develop a tailored client intake process that aligns with the specific needs and goals of your practice.
  • Enhance your communication skills to establish rapport, gather crucial information, and set clear expectations during the intake process.
  • Learn about legal and ethical considerations related to client intake, including privacy and data protection, and how to ensure compliance.

I teach you the 3 keys to building a thriving reiki business, along with a guided goal-manifesting exercise so you can manifest your business goals with ease. In order to win the year, you need to win the month. In order to win the month, you need to win the week. In order to win the week, you need to win the day. In order to win the day, you need to win the morning. & we do just that!


This module covers everything you need to know about in-person healing and guides you through applying it as you watch the teachings. The best part of this module...actually seeing the impact of your healing hands! By the end of this module, you will know how to prepare for a healing, and how to ground, connect, protect, and align before a healing so you can feel safe. I show you how to set your client's healing intention, and how to use your hand perception or pendulum to detect abnormalities in their body through Byosen Scanning. Once the abnormalities are found, I teach you how to locate attachments or cords in the body and walk you through my effective cord-cutting protocol. We apply Reiji-Ho, Chiryo, Hand Placements, Aura Cleansing, and Grounding. After this module, you will feel like you can do anything you put your mind to! And leave knowing how to administer reiki with confidence.


In this module, I will attune you to the frequencies of your purest self, along with preparing your body for Reiki 3. An attunement is a sacred initiation that has been present on Earth for thousands of years. By receiving an attunement you will step into your role of healing yourself, to then heal others. This shift in consciousness allows for greater self-realization and balance to occur in the physical body. The amount of energy received grows with each attunement. As in most energy-based healing systems, attunements are the most important aspect of the teachings. By receiving this attunement, you tune your mind, body, and energy to the divine healing frequencies, to experience a clear channel to your higher self. Attunements mend your loose strings so you can sing your original tune. Just like tuning a guitar. It is epic!


This module covers upwards to $2k in bonus content, including:

  • Home Clearing
  • Entity Removal
  • Karmic Bond Healing
  • Quality & Situational Healing
  • Toxin Removal (AKA - Blood Exchange)
  • Animal & Plant Healing
  • Business Marketing
  • Your Brand Story
  • Website Creation
  • List Building 101
  • Referrals
  • Revenue Intentions
  • LLC Creation

In order to receive your Kundalini Reiki 2 Certification via USPS, you will need to pass the exam with a 75% or higher. DON'T PANIC! All of the exam questions are on ungraded pop quizzes throughout the lessons you know exactly what to expect. If you get a question wrong on the quizzes, I provide you with the correct answers. Also, you can take the exam as many times as you need :)

Reiki Master Curriculum -Mastership

(Day 61-90)


My intention for the Mastership is to teach you how to advance and deepen your healing abilities, along with providing you a curriculum to teach and attune others. It is also a journey of attunements. After the attunements, we perform self healing using the advanced forms of reiki & document our experiences, so we help others with these advanced techniques.


Through the Master Attunement, you receive a very transformative healing where energy channels are opened for Kundalini Energy to flow, to full rising through the the crown chakra stimulating the physical and energetic bodies, promoting health and personal transformation. You are also attuned to Diamond Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, DNA Reiki, Birth Trauma Clearing, Location Reiki, Past Life Clearing, and Reiki Balancing. The Throat, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras are strengthened and opened wider. The attunement process for Kundalini Reiki Mastership is a 25 minute activation and can either be received in person or by distance. From an energetic perspective, there is no difference. It does not hinder the quality of the attunement or your ability to access the Kundalini Reiki energies.


In this lesson, I teach you what Diamond Reiki is, instructions for us, how to administer it, and which client's to use it on. I also have you practice a self healing, which is required before using this form of healing on others.


In this module, I teach you what Crystalline Reiki is, instructions for us, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self healing, which is required before using this form of healing on others.


In this module, I teach you what DNA Reiki is, instructions for us, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self-healing, which is required before using this form of healing on others.


In this module, I teach you what Birth Trauma Clearing is, instructions for us, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self-healing, which is required before using this form of healing on others.


In this module, I teach you what Location Reiki is, instructions for use, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self-healing, which is required before using this form of healing for others.


In this module, I teach you what Past Life Clearing is, instructions for use, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self-healing, which is required before using this form of healing for others.


In this module, I teach you what Reiki Balancing is, instructions for use, how to administer it, and which clients to use it on. I also have you practice a self-healing, which is required before using this form of healing for others.


After our self healings, we are ready to begin healing others on a deeper level than ever before. I will teach you how to incorporate these advanced forms of reiki with your client sessions, along with the ins and outs of Reiki Psychotherapy through video healing format. I give you my exact session script that you can make your own to get to the root of your client's symptoms. We then have you practice your First Video Healing Session on a practice client! This is the only form of healing I do now, outside of in-person retreats! So excited to share this with you!


In this module, I give you the Kundalini Reiki Curriculum so you can teach others too! You will be able to certify others with this curriculum after you obtain your Reiki Master Certification.


The exam includes a First Session Healing Submission where I provide you feedback & support you in being the most successful and confident healer you are, with balance and total fulfillment.

Example Curriculum

  Module 1 - Welcome!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - The Science
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - The Power of Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - The Energy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - Meet Your Besties
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - The Chakras
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 - The Self Healing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8 - The Attunement
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9 - The Exam
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS - Yoga Practice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS - Meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll

Email me at [email protected]


Q: What platform is your Healing Community on?

A: Currently the healing community is on the Telegram App. You will receive a link to join this group once you download the course workbook post enrollment.

Q: Do you offer 1:1 coaching?

A: I do! This is offered to you as an add-on at upon enrollment if your application is approved.

Q: What is the difference between Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master courses?

A: Reiki 1 is all about Healing Self, Reiki 2 is all about Healing Others, and Reiki Master is all about Teaching Others.

Q: Can I take this course at my own pace or is there a time limit?

A: We flow through one module every 3 days as a class, to ensure those who want to become certified within 12 weeks can remain on track. With that said, this is setup as a self-paced course, so if life happens, you can take as long as you need to integrate the content and complete your certification. You will have access to this course for as long as it exists.

Q: What is the format of this course?

A: This class is a combination of lecture, journaling, meditation, reading & hands-on experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete healing session using hand placements and intuition, body scanning and so much more. Each lesson is paired with homework to help you integrate and apply reiki concepts to your own life, daily habits, and routine. Each Reiki course will end with a Final Exam. Your Official Kundalini Reiki Master Certificate will be mailed to you once all homework is submitted, and you receive a passing exam score of 75% or more. You may take the exam as many times as you need.

Q: Can I travel to you to be attuned in person?

A: YES! I host quarterly attunements in Lansing, MI. The schedule is announced inside the Healing Community.

Q: If I want to be attuned in person, can I still be attuned through distance through the Attunement Lesson in this course?

A: Of course, you can be attuned as often as you'd like. I do recommend 7 days in between attunements to allow cleansing time post-attunement.

Q: Will you teach me protection?

A: Yes! I have an entire lesson solely on energy suckers and how to protect yourself from them.

Q: Do I need crystals for this course?

A: Yes, you will need to choose 7 healing crystals to represent each primary energy center in the body, along with a pendulum. I have a Lesson that guides you through choosing these crystals.

Q: Will I heal while going through this course?

A: On so many levels, YES!

Q: If I have (insert disease or condition), is this course for me?

A: Absolutely, I teach how energy can manifest into physical disease & how to nourish it. Nothing in this course is a replacement for medical advice or medical treatment. I am not a doctor. Please follow-up with your primary physician regularly.

Q: Can I go through this course with friends?

A: While I have a very giving heart, I have spent 3 years creating the content in this course between investing my own money, time, research, meditation & healing practice, creating, recording, and consulting. This content is only for the eyes who decide to invest in themselves. I thank you deeply for understanding.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Due to the certification and downloadable nature of this course, there are no refunds. Enrollment is an investment in yourself to become a confident certified healer. I will 100% ensure you do just that under my leadership. You will be 100% satisfied with this course as I make myself available to assist you.